
понедельник, 28 июня 2010 г.

A Changing Genome

How is it possible for the genome of an organism to increase in size as it evolved from a lower form to a higher one? Simple mutations that cause alterations in protein sequences could lead to changes in form and behavior of the organisms but could not, by themselves,
account for the increase in genetic material that accompanied evolution. As a result of new techniques of genetic mapping and determining the sequence of nucleotides in DNA we are rapidly acquiring a detailed knowledge of the organization of the genome. It has been found that genes are often present as duplicate but not entirely identical copies. This suggests that there are mechanisms by which cells can acquire extra copies of one or more genes. Indeed it seems probable that at some time in the past the entire genome of bacteria was doubled and that it was later doubled again. Evidence for this is that the masses of bacterial chromosomes group around values of 0.5, 1.4, and 2.7 x 109 Da. Genes can also be duplicated during the process of genetic recombination. In addition, the size of the genome may have increased by incorporation of genetic material from extrachromosomal plasmids.
A possible advantage to a cell possessing an extra copy of a gene is that the cell would survive even when mutations rendered unusable the protein encoded by one of the copies. As long as one of the genes remained “good,” the organism could grow and reproduce. The extra, mutated gene could be carried for many generations. As long as it produced only harmless, nonfunctioning proteins there might be little selection pressure to eliminate it and it might undergo repeated mutations. After many mutations and many generations later, the protein for which it coded could prove useful to the cell in some new way. An example of evolution via gene duplication is provided by the oxygen-carrying proteins of blood. It appears that about a billion years ago, the gene for an ancestral globin, the protein of hemoglobin, was doubled. One gene evolved into that of present-day globins and the other into the gene of the muscle protein myoglobin. Still later, the globin gene again doubled leading to the present-day α and β chains of hemoglobin. These are two distinctly different but related protein subunits whose genes are not even on the same chromosome. To complicate the picture further, most human beings have two or more copies of their α chain gene74 as well as genes for fetal and embryonic forms of hemoglobin. However, some populations have lost one or more α chain genes. Thus, the genome changes in many details, even today.

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